Whether you have been arrested for drunk driving for the first time, or you have been arrested in the past, you may wonder what might happen next. Laws change over time, and they may be different and stricter since the last time you were convicted of drunk driving. Consequences change over time to keep people from driving under the influence; those consequences make it even more difficult to be defended in a court of law. If you have been given a DUI in Santa Ana, CA, it is wise to consult with an attorney so you are aware of the penalties and requirements in your area.
Innocent Until Proven Guilty
While you are still considered to be innocent until proven guilty, there are now tests that are given while a person is considered to be drunk that can hurt a court case. Those tests include a blood test, or a breath test that proves the amount of alcohol in your system is .08 or higher. If this can be proven without a doubt, you are going to face the conviction of driving under the influence. At this point, you may want to seek the legal advice of a professional attorney. Even if you do not appear to be drunk, or show any other signs, such as slurred speech, if your BAC level is above the minimum of .08, you will be treated as a drunk driver under the per se laws.
Professional DUI Attorneys
A professional DUI attorney is able to help you seek bail and begin building your case. Fighting a DUI charge in court can be a very difficult task. It takes years of experience in this field of law. DUI attorneys tend to have extensive knowledge concerning state laws for drunk driving, and understand how to navigate the court system. They are there to support you and help prove your innocence, if this is the case, or help lessen the charges that will be brought against you. In most cases there will be fines and fees that need to be paid to the state for DUI charges, you could even possibly serve some jail time. A professional DUI attorney is going to be able to explain all of this to you, and possibly shorten the length of time you may spend in jail, and shorten the revocation of your license.
The Law Offices of Christopher J. McCann help clients convicted of DUI in Santa Ana, CA. When you need expert legal advice concerning possible DUI charges, visit their website and learn more about their services.