Why You May Need To Contact a Medical Negligence Houston Attorney

by | Apr 24, 2013 | Attorney

If you have become hurt or injured during your stay at a hospital, then you will need a Medical Negligence Houston attorney. They have specific knowledge about the rights of patients and how the courts work on behalf of settlements and claims. Contacting any other type of lawyer will not get you the results you want. You may need to contact another attorney if your original case or lawsuit was thrown out. You will want to get a second opinion.

As a patient you are going to your doctor to get medical advise and treatment. He or she is knowledgeable about their trade. Any misrepresentation, misdiagnosis, or injury on their behalf that occurs to you as a consequence of their actions is grounds for a lawsuit. You will need to have a consultation with an expert that can provide you with more details.

Medical bills that you are subject to pay due to medical negligence is one reason you will need to get financial help. Your insurance provider may only pay a certain amount of your bills. Collectors will begin calling requesting payment for services rendered. Your credit score and history will soon become affected. If you are now no longer able to work because of this you can apply for disability, but you also want to sue for malpractice. This may be the only option to compensate you for pain and loss due to the surgery or medical error.

There are hundreds of different ways that doctors and medical staff may be accused and charged with Medical Negligence Houston. These may include misdiagnosis, incorrect medicine or drugs given to a patient, medical staff under the influence of alcohol or drugs, death of a patient, performing incorrect procedure, leaving medical equipment inside of patient. and injuries incurred during surgery. In some cases more than one offense has occurred. When this happens at the hospital during surgery the patient has the right to sue the attending doctors and the hospital.


Sometimes problems can arise from drugs that have a negative interaction with a patient. If they have slight allergies you may not have a case. But if major problems cause sickness with permanent ill effects your chance of suing the manufacturer of the prescription item is greater by using a medical negligence Houston lawyer.

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